Thursday, March 10, 2011

Spring is right around the corner????

This was a photo I took Monday morning, looking out my front window. That snow must have really blowing and it was very heavy and wet.

However, the weather has not been much better so far this week. We could get up to 2 inches of rain or better today and tonight, yikes. I am so yearning for
Spring to come.

What are your plans once Spring arrives? I know I have roses to plant and a garden to work on.

Thanks for stopping by,
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  1. Hurry up spring! Chrissy that is a lovely photo. Pretty colors.

    Warmly, ~Melissa :)

  2. Hi Chrissy, I just popped over from Debbiedoo's blog. I am waiting impatiently for spring here. I have some crocus blooming but today is so cold and damp (rain and snow in forcast). I can't wait to uncover my gardens and start planting some veggies..

  3. Spring has come and gone in Phoenix. We are already smack dab in the middle of hot. Ah well, soon enough it will be swimming time.
